Wazuh as our SOC main tool

Selecting the right SIEM for our SOC was a challenging task. Wazuh's SIEM, uphold the highest standards of cybersecurity excellence.

 min read

Selecting the right SIEM for our SOC was a challenging task. As the CTO of Atricore, I had to meticulously analyze and test numerous parameters. Now, I'll share with you the reasons why I've chosen Wazuh's SIEM as the core component of our Security Operations Center.

Wazuh offers a holistic approach to security, encompassing log management, intrusion detection, vulnerability assessment, and compliance monitoring. This comprehensive functionality equips our SOC to handle a wide range of threats and security challenges to protect our clients from the most sophisticated attacks.

Performance and reliability were top priorities for me, and Wazuh excels in both areas. With its real-time threat detection capabilities and rapid response times, it enables us to identify and mitigate security incidents before they escalate into major breaches.

Integration was another important consideration. Operating in a complex environment was essential. Wazuh seamlessly integrates with on-premise infrastructure, cloud-based, and hybrid deployments, allowing us to leverage our investments and enhance our security posture without disruption.

Furthermore, I aimed for our SOC to be capable of running in Kubernetes infrastructure to scale and improve effectiveness. Although there was no previous implementation on this front, our team successfully integrated Wazuh's SIEM and our full SOC on Kubernetes in just three months, making it a compelling choice.

Lastly, I prioritize engagement with the open-source community. Wazuh boasts a robust one that offers various support options. With regular updates and new features continuously rolled out, it ensures that we're never left in the dark.

In summary, Wazuh's SIEM, combined with our other tools such as The Hive, Cortex, and MISP, is a strategic asset that empowers us to stay ahead of emerging threats, protect our organization and clients, and uphold the highest standards of cybersecurity excellence.

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